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Faith Formation
It is of the utmost importance to us that the spiritual lives of our missionaries are fostered. We know that we cannot serve out of ourselves and that it is in emptying ourselves that the love of The Lord truly moves.
In addition to daily prayer for our missionaries, we have been gifted with the presence of the Eucharist in the chapel at our home. Our missionaries will help to maintain our chapel, receive spiritual direction, and participate in two missionary retreats throughout the year. In serving a year with us, you can be sure that your faith will be fostered and that your faith will be put into action daily.

As an MFQC missionary, not only will you have the opportunity to live in community with your team of missionaries, but you will live alongside the mothers and children we serve. Communal living transforms our mission and allows us to enter into one another's lives in a more personal way, changing the way we serve, and the way we love.

During your mission year, you will exercise the gift of hospitality like never before. As a missionary, you'll serve as the face of our home, welcoming new moms and sending off moms who are ready to take the next steps with their babies. Here at Mater Filius Queen City, we know no stranger. All mothers who come to live with us are invited to make our home their home. We want the moms we serve to feel that they have a space of safety, rest, and healing, making hospitality a core tenant of who we are.

By living alongside MFQC mothers and their babies, our missionaries will get to experience life in solidarity with them. By sharing life with one another, we get to bare one another's burdens, joys, and sorrows and empower one another amidst them. By living in solidarity, we get to be Christ for one another and ensure that no one has to encounter life's challenges alone.

Trauma-Informed Care
Our missionaries are to be trained with a trauma-informed approach. For us, the goal is for faith and service to be intertwined with evidence-based care and support. We know that everyone in our home and even supports staff outside of our home, come with their own stories, experiences, beliefs, and backgrounds. We desire to cherish one another with the highest standard of care to create a healing community rooted in dignity and respect for every individual.
Mission Staff
Are you called to live a life on mission? Join the first group of mission staff that MFQC has entrusted to run our home. As mission staff, you will fill the ‘Ima’ role and have the opportunity to pioneer the way to a new missionary body while cultivating a community that will outlive you.

"He said to them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore ask the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest."
Luke 10:2
Pioneering A New Way to Serve
In July of 2023, our ministry will be adding a new missionary component to our service model. This will aid us in better serving the women and children who find refuge in our home. We are seeking three young women with a passion for the Catholic faith, as well as a conviction for service and justice within the Pro-life movement.
Three missionaries will be chosen each year to live alongside the mothers and babies in our home, assisting with house operations and fostering a joy-filled community life that allows mothers in need the space to heal, grow, and feel empowered in their ability to create a good life for their children.

Why Be a Missionary With Us?
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